Tax in Sweden

Tax in Sweden – tax accounting services for owner-managed businesses, family businesses and entrepreneurial companies.

Tax in Sweden – the link to the owner

Tax in Sweden for owner-managed businesses, family businesses and entrepreneurial companies. To theese companies the tax situation of the business and that of the owner is closely linked. Our tax accountants will assist in optimizing the taxes for both the owner and the business. The businesses tax situation together with that of the owner can benefit from the changing tax regulations, especially by taking salary and dividends into consideration where applicable.

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Kindly note that we only offer our services to companies and company owners, our tax service does not comprise private individuals.  

Both company and individual tax for company owners

Our tax accountants have great knowledge regarding both company taxes and individual taxes for company owners. Through our extensive national and international networks, we can help you with especially complex questions or issues.


The ever-changing VAT legislation can be hard to follow. With Revideco as your accounting firm, you will be kept up to date on all rules that may affect your company.

Revideco Vår Byrå

Tax in Sweden – local as well as global

We provide tax services within Sweden as well as abroad. International tax we provide in collabration with our global network MGI. MGI is present in more than 100 countries.

Examples of our tax accounting services

  • Declarations and advisory
  • Generation transfers
  • Business acquisitions
  • Advice during tax cases
  • Introduction meeting International taxation

Introduction offer to smaller business owners

To smaller business owners moving into Sweden we also give a one-hour introduction on typical tax matters such as permanent establishment and residency issues at the price of 1 650 SEK + VAT.

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Considered among the larger firms

We are delighted to be considered in the same grouping as the “big” firms and we are often asked to quote alongside of them. It is the personal service and the value for money we offer that makes us stand out. The fact that we are a independent firm is also a big plus.


We are partner-led and provide a service that is quality driven. Phone calls and e-mails are always answered promptly. We believe that this accessibility, personal service, and our value for money offer, is market leading.

More than half of our staff speaks fluent English as well as a third language and are accustomed to working with international clients.