Ultimate Beneficial Owner registration in Sweden
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The Ultimate Beneficial Owner registration in Sweden is since 2017 a compulsory filing.
The Ultimate Beneficial Ownership register is aimed at consolidating information about individuals who own or exercise control over Swedish legal entities. Revideco has provided assistance with filings of Ultimate Beneficial Owner, in short UBO, since 2017.

Who is a Ultimate Beneficial Owner?
The majority of Swedish companies, associations and legal entities must register beneficial ownership information with Bolagsverket. A Ultimate Beneficial Owner is someone who ultimately owns or controls a company, association or other type of legal entity. The UBO can also be someone who benefits from someone else acting on their behalf.
A list of types of entities is provided by the Swedish Companies Registration Office, you can find the list here.

Ultimate Beneficial Owner registration in Sweden
Newly registered companies and associations must register beneficial ownership information within four weeks from their registration date.

How to register UBO
It is compulsory to register beneficial ownership information online the Swedish Companies Registration Office e-service. The information must be registered by an authorised signatory for the company or association and signed with Swedish e-identification such as Mobile BankID. The e-service is available in Swedish only.
If you do not have Swedish e-identification or access to the internet, Revideco provides the service to register your information.

Revideco is an independent one-stop-shop for corporate secretarial services as well as accounting and audit services. With more than 25 years of experience in supporting local and international clients. We provide a full range of services to both large and small companies. We are proud to say that we are often considered as an alternative to the larger and more known “big” firms. Our aim is to provide prompt service, high quality and a reasonable price tag.

Global: Local: Personal
We at Revideco cooperate with accountants, chartered accountants, CPAs, CFOs and shared service centers from all over the world. We are accustomed to providing information on Swedish law, Swedish GAAP, and specific Swedish regulations. Our aim is to find the most efficient solution for each and one of our clients.

Our corporate secretarial services include